Racial Descrimination: Being Muslim in a Post 9/11 America

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
This is a hard time to be a Muslim in America. Furthermore, all around the world where Muslims represent either a majority or a significant minority of any nation's population, they are in conflict with the governments that govern those nations. This can be a direct result of the violent nature of the Muslim religion. Americans however have taken it too far, and have become racist. They are slowly beginning to take away the rights …

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…non-Muslims. Criminals and terrorists can be of any religion. The people of America need to show Muslims the light at the end of the tunnel, and apologize for their dark and ugly criticisms towards all people of Arab-decent, and accept them as human beings. It doesn't matter what religion you practice, or in what country you reside in, everyone has the right to live without being judged. *teacher required use of literary devices and annecdotes