Race to the Finish (flashback essay)

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Race to the Finish My legs are burning and slowly going numb as I run over hurdle after hurdle. The crowd around me is a blur and the cheers seem distant, far away. I have had a bad start but I am slowly making my way back to the head of the pack. With each hurdle my legs feel more and more like jell-o as I try to maintain my rhythm that will hopefully let …

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…The runner to my left stumbles and has a bad lunge. His arms swings long and connects with mine. I lose my concentration and stutter step. I give all I can, gather all my energy and sprint for the finish trying to compensate for my lost step. I cross the line 3rd, but in no way am I disappointed because my expectations were so low that anything would please me as long as I finished.