Race in the United States. Suggest ways in which the American experience can have relevance for other nations and peoples.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Race Race has played a pivotal role in the history of the United States, and in our nation's struggle to realize the full promise of our society. This paper should assist the understanding of race in the United States and suggest ways in which the American experience can have relevance for other nations and peoples. The Impact of Bias Crimes on the Target Community The impact of bias crimes reaches beyond the harm done to …

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…violence committed by hate groups all over the world. *In 1997, the numbers of hate groups in America rose 20% from 1996. There were 474 hate groups in America. Sociological terms relating to the movie: *"Groupthink"- the tendency of group members to conform by adopting a narrow view of some issue. *Peer Pressure effect - shapes human behavior, kids go to great lengths to be a part of something, that may me violence or deviation from the norm.