Race and Public Policy of Hitler

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
By the beginning of 1939, the gradual and mounting campaign against the Jews was prepared for the achievement of its ultimate violent ends. The German people had been indoctrinated, and the seeds of hatred had been sown. The German state was armed and prepared for conquest and to carry out the wishes of Adolf Hitler. The force of world opinion could now safely be ignored. Already the nazi conspirators had forced out of Germany 200,000 of its …

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…and Jewish stores all over Germany, the police under Nazi control held the country in a military state. 150,000 German or Austrian Jews left Germany after this intrusion, many even after the beginning of the war. It was difficult for Jews to get visas to other countries, most of which adopted restrictive immigration policies in underestimation of future dangers. Hitler now increased his public anti-Semitism and put all racial affairs completely under SS control ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**