Race Relations from Reconstruction through WWI

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Essay Database > History
The reconstruction process beginning in 1865 brought on new race relations in America that would change the lives of every American. After the Civil War, newly freed slaves faced many challenges. Whites, especially in the South regarded blacks as inferior more than ever. While blacks were trying to move on and support their families outside the plantation that they were used to, Whites were engineering new ways to keep blacks as second class citizens. Sharecropping, which …

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…France, African American troops enjoyed friendly reception from civilians as well as the French government. It was difficult to come home to a country that disregarded them as second class when they were treated as equals in a foreign country. Race relations between whites, blacks, Indians, and numerous European immigrants were very tense from the end of the Civil War to the end of WWI. White supremacy tended to be the ultimate theme throughout history.