Race In My Community

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > History
I was born in Shreveport, Louisiana, in November of 1975, and I still reside here. Being adopted, I do not know much about my ethnic background. I know that when I look in the mirror I see a white face with blue eyes and light brown hair. I was raised by a white couple, neither of which is racist. However, racism is a huge issue in our community. We have many Caucasian people here. There are …

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…will never truly be free. References: McCabe, Francis (January 26, 2003). Appellate court rules against Shreveport in race discrimination lawsuit. Shreveport Times. Retrieved on 6-16-2006 from website: www.adversity.net Partial victory for white Shreveport, Louisiana firefighters (January 26, 2006). Shreveport Reverse Discrimination News. Retrieved on 6-16-2006 from website: www.adversity.net Wilson, Glynn (August 13, 2003). Integration comes one church pew, and $5 at a time. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved on 6-16-2006 from website: www.csmonitor.com