"Rabbits": What are the issues both sides would have experienced? Use examples from the book. How do the two texts connect between the Europeans and the Aboriginies.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Dear Barikin Murrower, My name is Joseph Chow, I am writing to you today to inform you that I have recently read the picture book titled, the Rabbits. I have also read and appreciated the article called History for Beginners, published in the Australian and viewed a movie called "Kings in Grass Castles". The picture book labelled "The Rabbits" depicts an allegory of a European incursion; this book gave out a story of rabbits or …

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…to you I have noticed that we can neither use the word invasion or settlement, but rather find a balance between the two. A word unbiased and not outweighing another side, I hope things do change and Australia finally comes up with a conclusion to the problem we now plunder on. If I may I beg the future not to bring us any misfortune and unhappiness to the both of us. Yours sincerely, Joseph Chow