REVIEW OF "A Street Car Named Desire" By: Tennessee Williams

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
To Desire is to long or crave something. Usually something that is enjoyed or pleasurable. This story, "A Streetcar Named Desire," directed by Elia Kazan is a wonderful movie. It signifies how in real life people like to tell stories as Blanche does. In the story Blanche desired love and passion, and when she couldn't get it she made it seem to everyone else that she had it. The film was produced by Charles K …

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…It was used to set the tone of the story. When presented it was as if it was herd by the characters in the story. When Blanche was hearing things and heard the shot that killed her husband the music got very loud as she covered her ears. There was a quiet music when Stanley was calling for Stella. This helped the audience get a feel for how the characters were feeling in the film.