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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Institutional Racism in American Society "Racist" and "racism" are provocative words in American society. To some, these words have reached the level of curse words in their offensiveness. Yet, "racist" and "racism" are descriptive words of a reality that cannot be denied. African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans and Asian Americans (people-of-color) live daily with the effects of both institutional and individual racism. Race issues are so fundamental in American society that they seem almost …

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…the fact that we are all HUMAN. This is yet another concept that we must seek to fully understand before we can consider ourselves ready to attain true peace. Conclusion As you can see racial discrimination is, quite simply, the result of ignorance. Historically, people automatically assumed that their race was superior. Not bothering to learn more about the races they despised, they began to harbor grudges against them, inventing reasons why other races were