R.S Thomas's views on God .

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Introduction When RS Thomas writes about praying for forgiveness and the death of Christ, it is an example of the poet expressing his feelings of religion, and in particular, God. He does this regularly and is keen to articulate his feelings. This shows Thomas was principally a religious writer, but his recognition of God's power is often ambiguous. On occasions, it seems that he is a firm believer in God and a true Christian. It …

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…for him so that he might continue to go on living, and this is often what many are blind to. The poem 'Pisces' proves that RS Thomas writes both in support of and against God. This presentation has shown that RS Thomas has contradictory views when writing about God, sometimes even within one poem. This could be done intentionally to baffle the reader, or maybe Thomas was himself confused about the true stature of God.