Quisiera Comprar Una Vocal (I would like to buy a vowel)

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
You are in a courtroom as a jury member and the judge has found a mother guilty of child abuse. Do you think the mother should be punished? What if the conviction is for simply speaking to the child in Spanish? That was the situation is in Amarillo, Texas 1995 where Judge Samuel Kiser decided the law could govern what language is spoken at one's home. He told the mother, Marta Laureano that she, under court …

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…many of the wonderful reasons there are to be an American like voting, free education, and Diversity. America is known throughout the world as the "land of the free" and that is why we have so much diversity. Putting into effect the "Enlish-only" laws would be ridiculous and absurd. The citizens of Illinois had it right, when in 1923 they declared English would no longer be the official language of Illinois - but American would be.