Quick review of Upton Sinclair's "THE JUNGLE"

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Upton Sinclair's The Jungle is a very powerful piece of literature devoted to shaking the corrupt foundations of the meat packing industries of Chicago during the turn of the century. Sinclair's purpose is clear: to expose the truth about the filthy ways of the city's establishments and to deliver justice to the common workingman. <Tab/>In order to achieve his desired goal, Sinclair incorporates the use of a fictional, immigrant family …

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…book, because thinking about eating the meat described was nauseating. It was good because the information had to be released to let the nation know, but the story itself was not that great. Of course, that does not matter because the story wasn't the focus, the focus was on the exposure. Overall however, it was not bad at all, and I guess I am glad that we were allowed to read it for this class.