Questions and predicted answers for the australian prime minister and minister for foreign affairs to stimulate thought about australian foreign policy.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Questions for the Hon. Prime Minister John Howard 1. Mr Prime Minister, how do you feel about Australia's early Foreign Policy, for example the White Australia Policy and propaganda about the 'yellow peril' in the first half of last century? -early Foreign Policy was mostly dictated by Britain -White Australia Policy was a lamentable mistake, but might be considered essential in the development of Australia's modern Foreign Policy. -all turned out ok in the end didn't …

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…regime to the greater population of Iraq 5. What about claims that America was only interested in Iraq's oil reserves, and that they're effectively trying to 'pay off' Australia for their support by giving us free trade? -the position of our government is that America's intentions in Iraq were totally honourable -free trade has been on the agenda for a long time -Australia only had interest in the welfare of the Iraqi people, and international security