Questions #27, 29: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (Ask me to e-mail original if you like the essay, as most mistakes in it are caused by the website).

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27.Look back over the parts of the play we have studied (up to Act III, Scene ii), and quote at least 4 references to darkness or the night. Indicate the speaker, and the act, scene, and line numbers in each case. Make sure that you take examples from at least three different speakers and three different situations. Reference to darkness or night was made when Montague said to Benvolio: But all so soon as the all-cheering …

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…III, ii, 96). Juliet replied: ??Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband??? (III, ii, 97). These reactions are seemingly contradictory, because Juliet feels saddened at the of Tybalt, but she is still deeply in love with Tybalt?s killer. Though this seems strange, the events surrounding the immediate circumstances were not foreseen by the parties involved. As such, confusion and hurt would be the common psychologic responses, which they were in Juliet?s case.