Question: Analyze the impact of any TWO of the following on the American industrial worker between 1865 and 1900. Government actions Immigration Labor unions Technological changes

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Between 1865 and 1900, American industry workers experienced both good and hard times. Labor Unions were forming, and these new creations often produced better lives for the workers. However, waves of immigrants were also coming into America, which resulted in the threat of job stability. Labor Unions and Immigration both had momentous effects upon the industry worker, for better or for worse. After the Civil War, which killed much of the working population, people began to appreciate …

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…Labor Unions and Immigration had distinct effects upon the American worker. Labor Unions aided the worker because they often helped fight for better conditions and wages. Immigration was bad for the workers, because it meant instability to their jobs, and many immigrants were treated with derision. Both situations increased the tension between workers and their employees. In this period, American workers experienced both good and hard times, due to the rapid changes in American society.