Quebec Nationalism

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
It is sometimes hard for English Canadians to grasp how deeply many French Canadians feel the loss of control over their identity. A generation ago, it was summed up in a book by FLQ philosopher Pierre Vallieres, who compared the plight of Quebecers to the oppression of blacks in the United States in his book White Niggers of America. In his manifesto, Vallieres discussed the determination of the workers in Quebec to put an end …

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…Pg. 19-25. McRoberts, Kenneth, Quebec: Province, Nation, or "Distinct Society," Canadian Politics in the 1990s, Ed. Whittington and Williams, Scarborough:1995, Pg. 80-101. McRoberts, Kenneth, Quebec: Social Change and Political Crisis, Toronto:1993, Pg. 38-60, 128-172, 424-440. Parizeau, Jacques, The Time has Come: Excerpts from the Preamble to Quebec's Proposed Separatism Law, Maclean's ,September 18, 1995, vol. 108 (38), Pg. 20. Parti Quebecois, Quebec in a New World: The PQ's Plan for Sovereignty, Toronto:1994, Pg. 29-65. Vallieres, Pierre, White Niggers of America