Put in Perspective.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Put in Perspective Inevitable? Are we stuck with this fate? To live in this country that we love, to hate? Are we confused/ badly abused? Leaving our saviors to only be used? Our countries police men beat up our men, yet we break the law, again and again. It could be stupidity, due to humidity, not our states, in our brains..... We're so conceited to think our country's so grand, so we feel it's our …

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…perspective Cigarettes kill; you know they will, her grandma's got cancer and no more life to fill. Her friend wants to die due to drugs and depression, Some girls have to hide due to some perverts obsession, Animal's slaughters, a dad beats his daughter, and people still think life is so bad. A message I'm sending and recommending, am thankful for life and be glad Put it in Perspective to understand what you really have!!!!!!