Put Me In, Coach...!
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Words: 828
Pages: 3
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Pages: 3
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Literature > English
Coaching girl's softball and boy's baseball teams has both many differences and similarities. They are obviously two different sports, but they have a lot in common. In the same way, the coaching position is known to be the hardest job on a team. He or she is responsible for choosing new players from the draft, batting orders, familiarization of the rules and regulations, and all of the appropriate paperwork involved. The coach decides who is
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has earned a spot at the regional tournament. All of the hard work has paid off. In my experience, the most memorable moment was when the smallest member of my baseball team hit the ball over he fence for his first home run. There is nothing more inspiring or more motivating than to have your team play a tough game and win. This is what keeps players coming back to the sport season after season.
has earned a spot at the regional tournament. All of the hard work has paid off. In my experience, the most memorable moment was when the smallest member of my baseball team hit the ball over he fence for his first home run. There is nothing more inspiring or more motivating than to have your team play a tough game and win. This is what keeps players coming back to the sport season after season.