Puritans and Native Americans -- Religion Comparison

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Kate Sims Mr. Cistaro Honors English III, Period 3 5 September 2000 Religion According to the Puritans and the Native Americans Religion has had a powerful influence on humankind for thousands of years. Many people believe in a Supreme Being, God, and the teachings of his Divine Son, Jesus Christ. Other people believe that nature is sacred and therefore they give reverence to the land. One may not expect to find many similarities between both of these views, …

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…Christianity. The Spanish sent many missionaries to the New World to convert the Natives to Catholicism. Other beliefs and ideas were exchanged between the pious Puritans and the Native Americans in the English colonies. As a result, they incorporated many elements of Christianity into their own religions. Faith and doctrine have had their share of effects on our society in the past and they will always play an important part in American society. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**