Puritan immigration to the United States and the causes behind this.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The Struggle For Religious Freedom The struggle for religious freedom was of course a big factor in the lives of colonists leading up to the 1700's. This issue was the most prevalent in the northern colonies because of the different strong beliefs of the religious groups that settled there. A main factor for moving to the colonies from England was to have religious freedom, but some ended up finding themselves in the same situation as …

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…that religious freedom was prevalent. There is a fine ling between tolerance and religious freedom. With tolerance there is still discrimination. Religious freedom would be no discrimination, yet in fact there was discrimination among these people. With the puritans' trite views and absolute non-tolerance there was obviously no religious freedom. With the Quakers, religion was still forced upon people with opposing views. This proves that there was little to no religious freedom among these colonies.