Puritan Vs. Native Americans

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Essay Database > Literature > English
A Comparison of Native American Religious Writing to Early Puritan Writings. The Native Americans like every other civilization in the known world have creation stories. These creation stories basically tell the origins of the world as the they know it. For the Native Americans these stories were passed down orally, they did not keep written records of the stories. These oral stories are in some sense the Native American version of the bible. It was …

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…my own standards and beliefs, but todays writings and teachings of hate, such as the KKK and the Nazi credo are descended from those very beliefs. Nowhere in the readings do you find the Native Americans broaching these kinds of subjects. This is why I take such a harsh stance against the Puritan writers and their ilk. Works Cited Michelson, Bruce, 5th ed. The Norton Anthology: American Literature. New York: W.W. Norton and Company,1998, 1994, 1989, 1985, 1979.