Puritan Story

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Puritan Story 4 months ago our ship left port in England for the New World. My family was anxious to explore the new land and focus more on our religious beliefs freely without government intervention. We had no idea what we would endure on this ship. Hardship struck us hard 1 month and 6 days into our journey. Clouds began whirling like waves in the sky. They crashed into each other and began to spin. A waterspout came …

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…was necessity for a regular length trip. We now had less food and a prolonged trip. People became ill and were thrown overboard. Father McMullen was constantly praying or giving word to the common people. People grew frail and food was scarce. I prayed to God everyday that he would bring us through this, and that my sins may be forgiven. We made it to the New Land and can now pray as we please.