Puritain Values, an analysis of early American Literature.

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Essay Database > Literature
The literature of early New England reflected the lives and beliefs of Puritan colonists. The basis of their society was structured strictly towards humility and the worship of god. Every action the puritans committed reflected an attitude of humility, for they feared gaudiness would offend the glory of god. As such, the everyday behaviors of puritans were basic and simple, from the food they ate to the clothes they wore. It is no surprise then, …

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…God has every right to manipulate the domains of his property. The literature of the Puritans opens for the reader a first hand glance into the thoughts of these colonists. Written within these pieces of literature are the most valued doctrines of what puritans follow. Bearing witness to the thoughts of this society, the works of Anne Bradstreet, Johnathan Taylor, and The New England Primer stand testament in personifying the ideals of an upright puritan.