Purgatory and the Bible

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Purgatory and the Bible Some Christians reject the Church's affirmation of purgatory because the word is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. For that matter, neither are the words "Trinity" or "Incarnation". But for all three the teaching is there, as recognized for nearly 2,000 years in the Sacred Tradition of the Church, the very Tradition which Paul places alongside Scripture as the rule of faith (2 Thes. 2:15) and praises adherence to (1 Cor. 11:2). Jesus commands us to …

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…of God. This cleansing involves the joy of knowing we will soon be in heaven, as well as the suffering of being loosened from our sin and earthly attachments as we approach God and realize our shortcoming in holiness. Since those in Purgatory are still members of the Church, the body of Christ, the Communion of Saints, we can offer prayers, supplications, and intercessions on their behalf just as we can for those on earth.