Punk Music History.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Punk Rock History Punk rock was said to have originated back in the Sixties, and was created as a direct result of the corporate buying of bands and the mass commercialism of music. Now, however, it is more common to see someone "being a punk" rather than seeing someone "be punk". Punk is different from other music genres because punk bands have a very "do-it- yourself" attitude, not wanting to be bought by large companies …

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…Many bands have evolved out of punk, giving their music more melodious tones, more artful music and lyrics, and some of them even switched music genres to pop, R&B, etc. This basically defines the punk music of the Nineties, with some punk bands and tons of post-punk bands popping up to become the musicians that many of us enjoy today. Examples of some of these groups include Blink 182, The Casualties, AFI and Anti-Flag.