Punctuality is Virtue...

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
That was probably the loneliest day of my life in the last three and a half years. I am sitting in my dark closed room, writing down my thoughts because there is nothing to do. I feel like I have no one to talk to. It was a New Year's morning; I woke up only to start an argument with my dad regarding a household issue. I left home without having breakfast since I was …

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…I questioned myself that; why is life so unpredictable? Why is it so unfair? I tried reasoning and debating with her and still found myself wrong. It exhausted me when she said the words, "I can't live with a stereotypical bastard like you". Later that night I got home thinking of one thing; can I survive with the thought that we're apart? My world is going crazy without her; I thing I will break apart...