Pulp fiction

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
In the 1994 controversial movie Pulp Fiction director Quentin Tarantino creates the ultimate crime drama by illustrating the stories of a series of people that eventually unite as the film progresses. The film initiates with two small-time thieves, Honey Bunny and Pumpkin, who spontaneously decide to hold up a restaurant. The film then shifts to the story of Jules and Vincent, who are hit men for the well-known and feared Marcellus Wallace, who is caught up …

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…seems that Pulp Fiction compliments and contradicts most female roles in movies and in the media at the time. Marcellus and his controlling, confident and powerful role is the ideal masculine part. Despite the expected quiet nature of females, Mia, instead, remains bold and unsurprised by society. By not conforming to such typical feminine standards, Mia proves that women can and do possess an influence, equivalent to that of the opposite, supposedly more powerful sex.