"Pulp Fiction" as a Reflection of the American Society

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To answer the question: how the movie pulp fiction is a reflection of the American society? We must acknowledge that both the movie and society have a common element: Violence. If we take a closer look, violence is intimately connected with revenge. Both elements conform a vicious circle, where they bust each other; violence is feed by revenge and vice versa. Throughout the essay, we are going to explain this social behavior, analyzing the causes …

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…ways of social behavior transcends from generation to generation, we could say that they are immerse in our culture. Inculcating fear is a traditional way of maintaining order in a society and what makes people vulnerable when it comes to generating violence, and this fear busted with aggressions, abuses and violence, imposes an imminent revenge that generates even more violence and this concept is what the movie pulp fiction tries to demonstrate in its content.