Pulp Fiction

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
My favorite movie of all time is Pulp Fiction directed by Quentin Tarantino. The reason I chose this movie, as my all time favorite is because it exhibits all of the popular attributes that most movies today exhibit such as action and adventure, but what makes this movie special is its very real and unusual situations peppered with a wicked sense of humor. This film takes audiences on a wild ride. An anthology of three …

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…I lay my vengeance upon thee." - Jules' version of Ezekiel 25:17 Relentless in its pace, Pulp Fiction is as exhausting as it is exhilarating. In between all the shootings, Mexican standoffs, and other violent confrontations exist opportunities to explore various facets of the human experience, including rebirth and redemption. With this film, every layer that you peel away leads to something deeper and richer. Tarantino makes pictures for movie-lovers, and Pulp Fiction is a near-masterpiece.