Puddle Girl. Creative Writing story about a girl dealing with abuse and anorexia.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
She gazes out the window, self-consciously adjusting the straps of her shirt. She shivers as a chill creeps out from the weathered window pane and draws a limp cardigan from the overstuffed chair she has perched herself upon. The pounding of the rain slowly begins to abate and diverts into a soft, gentle roll of tears from the sky. She clasps the cardigan closer to her body, as she mentally counts off the number of …

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…nose, eyes, and tight-lipped un-smile into all directions. Trembling from anger, fear, pain--a mixture of such pure and raw emotion that to describe it would be impossible--the young girl crumbles down onto the cold, unyielding cement. Cradling her head, allowing the swirling torrent of feelings to take over her being...once again the rains begin to fall and as each drop rolls down her once rosy cheeks, she sobs and thinks of days gone past.