Public High Schools: Your Childs New Parent?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
this essay talks about the contraversial topic of tandom drug testing in public highschools. It uses San Luis Obispo High School as an example. This paper has a negative bias towards drug testing, and comes from the perspective of a parent. Public High Schools: Your Childs New Parent? Imagine your son or daughter sitting in choir class and hearing their name called out along with several others over the intercom asking them to report to …

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…keep things the way they are by not having a drug-testing program for its students. Ultimately, not testing students for drugs will save money, time and conflict from a lot of unhappy parents like myself. Don't let your child end up in the same degrading situation that Lindsay Earls was put in. If anything, tell your child that he or she as Americans, have rights that cannot be taken away by anyone, especially public schools.