Psychology of the Aging People.

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Pages: 12
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Old people come in all shapes and sizes. What we do about old age will depend in part upon our education, our religion, our ethnic or national identity, our family, our past or present occupations, our fields of interest, and many other things. I feel sister is dealing with aging very well. For being 90 years old, this sister has a lot of years to go. Of course, that is what she told me. I believe …

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…me and has helped me get through my problems. This is the best project I have done since I have been here at OLLU. You should do this in all your classes. I am going back to visit the sister, we are suppose to work on our needlepoint together. I told her I did needlepoint also. I will be visiting her at a later time. She said it is good therapy for young and old.