Psychology and It's function in the criticism of Araby, by James Joyce and As I lay Dyingby William Faulkner

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Essay Database > Literature
Jenna Hecker Reality and Literature- approaching literary analysis as a psychologist Final The American Heritage dictionary defines psychology as "the science that deals with mental processes and behavior." The difference between a literature and a psychology major is that a literature major is already seeing their patients. Every day a literature major opens up their books, and finds out something else upon a host of characters psyches. They are presented with odd situations, with broken …

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…my life almost every day. How often do we as a society hear the term "Big Brother" in reference to the way our government is acting? Many novels we read in class gave us an understanding on how people interact with each other in real life. A true literary analyst sees the characters world as a reality, and often feels like a psychologist, trying to get the root of the meaning of a character's actions.