Psychology advertising claims

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
To create the necessary illusion of superiority, advertisers usually resort to different basic techniques. In this advertisement we are being asked to believe that this shampoo, Head and Shoulders, will stop dandruff. There is no definite evidence that proves that Head and Shoulders will completely stop dandruff. In this advertisement there are words or claims that appear substantial upon first look but disintegrate into hollow meaninglessness once we analyze. If we take the advertisement apart …

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…and they had physical evidence that was proven by someone that it really does stop dandruff. The whole point of an advertisement is to sell their product, and the way advertises choose to sell their product is by adding in extra words to make it sound like their product is simply superior over others. We as viewers have to analyze each ad, to see what persuasive techniques an advertiser will use to bring us in.