Psychological Effects of Stero

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Psychological Effects of Steroids Many psychology along with physical effects occur do to the use, and misuse of steroids. Anabolic steroids use can cause many undesired characteristics in both males and females. However, steroids are often prescribed by doctors when the patient has an extremely irregular hormonal imbalance. In these cases, the psychological effects are not as great and often do not cause problems for the individual if the dosage is correct. The negative characteristics …

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…subsided or ceased, the psychological effects linger and haunt the individual, long after the physical effects have worn down. Many ex-addicts often have difficulties with other medications due to the psychological effects of steroid misuse. Also, the physical effects of the drug often can determine the degree of the psychological effects. Most importantly, the dosage of the steroids determines the degree of the physical and psychological effects. The higher the dosage, the worse the effects.