Psychological Disorders: Nurture as Opposed to Nature

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
You got your blue eyes from your mother, and your hair colour from your father, but where did you get your vast imagination and obsession for perfection? For a long time people believed that psychological disorders could be traced to the genome. But a new study by Glen O. Gabbard, a distinguished professor of Psychoanalysis, concluded that it was the nurturing a child received, not nature, which was the cause of various mental disorders. This …

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…It is unmistakable that people have made the mistake of assuming that mental illnesses come from nature and are not the fault of those who raised them, but the reality of it is that these problems do arise from parenting and we, as a people, need to acknowledge that fact and make sure the minds of the children of our generation and the next don't end up as flawed by something we could of prevented.