Provides basic info on controversy over illegal immigrants coming from Mexico.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The American Aliens Immigration to America has been around for hundreds of years from all parts of the world. In the past, if one could afford the trip, he/she was allowed to enter the United States, but now it is not so easy. Due to the vast amount of time and effort it takes to acquire a visa, many foreigners find it easier to illegally cross the border. Each year, hundreds of thousands of …

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…the border, many measures have been taken to prevent it. The 1900 mile long border is mostly open, along with the occasion barbed wire fences (Aliens 55). After they cross the border, there is a 10-mile long piece of land called the "Danger Zone" where 95% of all apprehensions occur (Aliens 57). Also, even if the alien had entered the United States, organizations such as Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) try to find and deport many of them (Aliens 51).