Protect yourself from the Internet

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
If you want to buy the most advanced computers, it costs more than you think. Since computer prices drop every day, even the latest computer will become obsolete and overpriced within a few weeks. There are several ways that can save you money on buying computers, such as, buying refurbished computers, buying floor models and returns, online auctions, government auctions, buying recycled computers, or building it yourself. Almost everyone will buy a printer after they …

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…the world of the Internet, advertisements not only pop-up (and keep popping up over and over again), but they may also track which web pages you visit, to determine your preferences. To intrude upon your privacy, Internet advertisers use a variety of tools including web bugs, adware, and a never-ending cascade of pop-up windows. To protect our privacy, we should use protective programs, such as Bugnosis, Ad-aware, and anti-spyware programs to defend against each threat.