Prostitution in the US

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According to Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, prostitution is the granting of sexual access for payment. Each year 15,000,000 U.S. citizens engage in sex for hire (prostitution) according to, and the National Task Force on Prostitution suggests that over one million people in the U.S. have worked as prostitutes in the United States, or about 1% of American women. With this percentage of Americans involved in prostitution, it is a pertinent subject in our society. …

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…to prostitution (compared with 30-35% among teenagers)" ( 1). According to WAC Stats, "Runaways who end up as streetwalkers are not expected to live more than 3 years, there are approximately 500,000 adolescent prostitutes in this country, and juvenile prostitution accounts for about 150 million cases of sexual abuse which go undetected in this country." I feel as if not enough is being done today to save these people, who can only survive by selling their bodies.