Prospect and Setbacks of Globalization to National Economies in the New Century

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Prospect and Setbacks of Globalization to National Economies in the New Century Introduction <Tab/>Globalization (or globalisation) in its literal sense is a social change, an increase in connections among societies and their elements due to, among others, the explosive evolution of transport and communication technologies. The term is applied to many social, cultural, commercial and economic activities. Depending on the context it can mean: (a)closer contact between different parts …

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…Class: 91. COPYRIGHT <Tab/>1998 Institute of Race Relations; COPYRIGHT 2002 Gale Group. Leslie, D.A. (1995). Global scan: the globalization of advertising agencies, <Tab/>concepts, and campaigns. In Economic Geography. Volume: 71. <Tab/>Issue:4. Page Number: 402+. Levitt, T. (1993). "The globalization of markets". In Harvard Business Review, <Tab/>Vol.61 No. 3, pp. 92-102.