Proposition 227- California Law

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The issue of English language learners (ELL) and their rights to an education has been a major topic of debate for many years. Should ELL students be taught in their first language? Will they learn English, or should they be put into English speaking classes? That has been the topic of discussion amongst educators. Which method is better for the student? The arguments continue and many states and school districts have made a decision on …

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…lt;Tab/>Facts Behind Proposition 227: California's Anti-bilingual Education Initiative. Developed by Massachusetts coalition for Bilingual Education, 7/98. <Tab/>Leo, John, A storm over reform, US News and World Report, 00415537, 5/6/2002, vol. 132, issue 15. <Tab/>Torrez, Nena, Incoherent English Immersion and California Proposition 227, Urban Review, Sep. 2001, vol. 33, Issue 3, pgs. 207-220, 14p. <Tab/>Zehr, Mary Ann, California's English-Fluency Numbers Help Fuel Debate, Education Week, 02774232, 12/5/2001, Vol. 21, Issue 14.