Propaganda during WWI

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Essay Database > History
Propaganda is a term used to describe the deliberate spreading of ideas and rumors in order to gain what one wants. It is most commonly used by governments and big businesses in order to get the public to believe what they desire. There was a great deal of propaganda taking place in the United States during its involvement in the first World War. (Miller, 47) In 1917 Woodrow Wilson set up the Commitee on Public Information in …

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…is a deceitful way of getting people to do what you want to without them knowing the whole truth. It's ironic that such a democratic country would choose to be so secretive. In a time of war however such drastic measures are often needed to protect a country's best interest. Bibliography Miller, Clyde. The Process of Persuasion. New York: Crown Publishers, 1946. "Sedition Act of 1917",http://www.Encarta.Com "Propaganda" The American Tradition. Ohio: Bell & How, 1984.