Propaganda 101

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Media and propaganda exposes me to social issues and persuades us into buying all sort of things. Looking back while living in Vietnam, I wasn't exposed to propaganda or the media. I had a different lifestyle because we just worry about foods and to survive. Compare to living here in Washington, I am bombarded by media, promoting unrealistic images, and promote consumerism greed. But in the end both places helps me make the right choices …

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…buy those jeans, I would be taller like that model. For example, I remember this back in eight grade, I was looking at Teen People magazine and would love to have those flare jeans that just coming out. In conclusion, media or propaganda have sharpened me in every share and form at an adult. It causes me to think farther and deeper into my own beliefs and assumptions of the world consumerism and self image.