Prometheus Relationship w/men

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Above any other god or titan, Prometheus had the best interaction with humans, more then Zues, the king of the gods, who actually despises men; his appreciation for men is greater then Hermes, who help humans as they travel through the dark and guide the newly dead to the underworld. Prometheus is more then the creator of man. He's their guardian, protector, provider, teacher and friend. One can say without Prometheus man wouldn't be who …

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…Prometheus the schemer in inescapable fetters, a torment to bear and through them he drove a mighty stone pylon and sent a long winged eagle to gnaw his incorruptible liver." ( Powell 109). Men owe Prometheus a great deal; this great immortal was crucified for them. He accepted to be tortured for the well being of men. The myth of Prometheus could be related to that of Jesus Christ, both of them gave their lives for men.