Prohibition of alcohol in the States. A Noble Experiment?

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
Alcohol and American life have had a long and usually friendly relationship. Until the mid 1800's, alcohol was the staple drink in many homes. This was mainly because of the customs brought from Europe by the immigrants and settlers who formed our population. Most people would think nothing of having a strong drink in the morning and wine with every meal. Children were often given liquor before going to school. All of this began to …

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…Eighteenth Amendment should never have been ratified. It had the support of only a small percentage of the population, but that percent had a disproportionate influence, for reasons already stated. From it's ratification to it's eventual cancellation by the Twenty-First Amendment in 1933, it was ignored and defrauded by people of all classes and professions. This was a shining example of people taking back power from their government in the face of unjust or ridiculous laws.