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Essay Database > Literature > English
On the stroke of midnight on January 16, 1920, America went dry. By decree of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, every citizen would be denied the right to produce or sell alcoholic beverages. Almost instantly, this remarkable new law set into motion a cavalcade of events whose fallout is still with us today. On Sunday, July 27th, A&E whisks viewers back to one of the most colorful eras in modern American history, a period that …

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…evasion, a jazz musician given his break by Capone, a high society flapper, and the first man on the scene at the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. "The show became a revelation to me on the grounds that we all grew up thinking the 'drys' were cripplers of progress and freedom," says narrator, Ed Asner. "But as the show unfolds, one comes to realize that their purpose was noble and their end was noble." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**