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Essay Database > Literature > English
The 18th Amendment , considered to be one of the biggest follies of the nation, was brought about with the intent to sincerely help the U.S., but more harm came from it than good. Prohibition, also known as the 18th Amendment , was ratified on January 29th, 1920 and was repealed on December 5th, 1933 with the ratification of the 21st Amendment which nullified prohibition. The 18th Amendment stated that it was illegal to manufacture, transport, and sell …

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…bootleggers, crimebosses, and the forces of the big government. When prohibition was nullified in 1933, crime dramatically went down, including organized crime, and corruption. Jobs were created, and new voluntary efforts, such as alcoholics anonymous, which was created in 1934, succeeded in helping alcoholics. Prohibition was also used in several other countries such as Finland in 1919 with minimal results. Society needs to open their eyes and not let history repeat itself. Prohibition is obviously not the way.