Progressive Era in the U.S. in the 1900's

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Essay Database > History > North American History
In the early 1900's, the United States experienced problems at the social, political, economic, and environmental level. The social problems came from drinking. The political problems stemmed from the political machines. The economy suffered because of the power that corporations had and of unemployment. The environment was in danger because of impure food and water. The progressives fixed these problems in a number of ways. One of the social problems the progressives fixed was drinking. …

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…of all his competitors by writing trusts. The way they fixed the environmental problem was by checking all the stores to see if they had bugs or mice in their food. The United States had many problems in the 1900's. They had problems socially, politically, economically, and environmentally. The progressives helped the United States fix our problems. They fixed them in different ways. The progressives were very helpful to the United States during that time.