Progressive Era Outline

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Essay Database > History > North American History
I. Sources of Progressive Reform A. Industrialization, with all its increase in productivity and the number of consumer goods, created 1) Unemployment and labor unrest 2) Wasteful use of natural resources 3) Abuses of corporate power B. Growing cities magnified problems of poverty, disease, crime, and corruption C. Influx of immigrants and rise of new managerial class upset traditional class alignments D. Massive depression (1893-1897) convinced many that equal opportunity was out of reach for many Americans. II. …

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…failed and courts struck down Progressive legislation 4. Government remained mainly under the influence of business and industry 5. Outbreak of World War I dampened enthusiasm of attempts to use governments to create just societies on earth B. Progressive accomplishments 1. Trustbusting forced industrialists to notice public opinion 2. Legislation gave federal and state governments the tools to protect consumers. 3. Income tax helped build government revenues and redistribute wealth 4. Progressives successfully challenged traditional institutions and approaches to domestic problems.