Progressive Era: Help or Repress

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Progressive era lasted from 1900 to 1920 and renewed America's sense of protest and reform. It was a result from deterioration in conditions of urban areas. Appalled by the poverty afflicting many Americans, middle and upper class progressive groups joined together to plan certain social and economic reforms. They sought to eliminate practices harming farmers, workers, tenement dwellers, and consumers and to expand government regulation over our economy so as to further the public interest. State …

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…from voting all together. Others think that this was a productive era, where equality was finally given to women. Even with this disagreement, overall the Progressive Era was a combination of both. Though racism flourished and foreign policy was overly aggressive, there was an increase in political equality and an economic boom during the Progressive Era. Although progress was made in social legislation, most blacks, urban poor, and blue-collar workers remained unaffected by the changes.